Tuesday, March 15, 2011

an oldie, catharsis in process

The other day i was reading this old piece, new by relative standards, and was pretty surprised at my own inventiveness (yes, i'm brazenly tooting my own horn.) It should be noted that I'm highly critical and I do think this piece needs some revision, though I don't have the answers to that revision yet (there's a part I already have in mind, it's just tough.) Anyhoo, enjoy .... and i say it's part of my catharsis because it's been about a year and half and i'm still not over my break-up ... but I feel like by doing things like this, I'm letting her go and letting the work that was inspired by her be released from the emotions that have swirled about it.

So Glad I Found You

So glad I found you, you amaze and excite
amazing what'll happen in six days, six nights
might I have this dance, even steal a kiss from you miss
way more than adequate, manifest beauty from head to hips
a smooch from you is napalm ready to explode
let's go to Reykjavik, wreak havoc among glaciers
let's travel the astral plane, share a pitcher with Mother Nature
let's hop on a flying carpet to the Napa Valley
or visit the Castro District of San Fran, Cali
girl, I'd gladly climb a thousand Alps just to hold your hand
or join the Northern Alliance and oust the Taliban
let's just hop on a jet and jet to Jakarta
If you were Palestine I'd gladly become a martyr
but before I ask you to commit to be mine
I think we should sip Riesling overlooking the Rhine
or survey the Serengeti, on safari spotting rhinos
or stumble around Prague like two punchdrunk winos
but before I ask you to commit to this
let me say I'm so glad I found you, you amaze me, miss....

Maybe we could hit Warsaw and have pierogis
or meditate in Mumbai like a pair of yogis
Skye, I'd book a million flights to reach you, love
or simply jack the Silver Surfer for his apparatus
and ascend the height of the one called Atlas
so At Last like Ella Fitzgerald I can sing my song
beside you on the South China Seas, you in a pink sarong
throngs of beauties could stand around but I'd never notice
like a field of weeds surrounding a lush lotus
Michelle, you know this, this ain't nothing new
I'd follow you to Kilimanjaro or Katmandu
or Manila or Johannesburg or Lima, Peru
perhaps fondue at the Louvre, jerk chicken in Negril
at the summit of the Eiffel confessin' how I feel
Venus to my Mars, this may be redundant, of course
but my body is my mosque and my minaret is yours
my body's an amusement park, you should ride every ride
at least 4 times daily, check out the slip 'n' slide
but before I ask you to commit to be mine
I'll yoke Eros for his arrows, make the year Valentine's
blaze trails on a hydroplane, graze the Everglades
play spades in Pan's Labyrinth, my naughty Artemis
but before I ask you to commit to this
let me say I’m so glad I found you, you astonish me, miss....

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