Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I used to hate avocados.

Growing up in a Central American family here in the States, this was pure blasphemy. Consequently, I endured plenty of ass whoopins', shocked expressions and ... more ass whoopins'. In fact, there were very few reasons for not getting an ass whoopin', but I guess that's a story for another time.

It would help to mention that I was a momma's boy (emphasis on "was") and I was also bratty as fuck. There were a lot of conflicts going on in my head, being more Salvadoran or Central American than American was certainly not one of them. That meant that I ate my eggs with ketchup (still do, on occasion), picked the veggies out of my omelettes (my dad must've hated that shit) and ate toast instead of tortillas.

I remember a convo I had with my cousin Lucho, we were in his parent's kitchen and I saw him break out the Wonder Bread (anything else would be un-American) and an avocado. That's it. I'm waiting for the cold cuts to make their appearance but no, he starts carving up that avocado, slicing it up and and placing it between the slices. The entire time I'm looking at him with disgust and curiosity, I couldn't believe that my own flesh and blood loved avocados that much (he was seriously raving about them). It hit me, maybe there was something to it I was missing ...

Skip ahead to now. I figure that avocados are healthy, so why not eat them regardless of my not liking them (I've taken this same approach with radishes, spinach and just about anything that I wouldn't eat as a bratty momma's boy). Little by little, I started liking them, I'm still not head over heels about them .... then again, I just ate an entire one sans anything.

I guess I don't hate them anymore.

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