Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The real OJ

Spain, like much of Europe, tends to go for natural alternatives when it comes to food as opposed the US where the corporations rule and shove preservatives, GMO's and chemically-constructed foods down our throats. So it surprises me that it's rare to find actual oj not from concentrate almost anywhere.

In other culinary respects Spain has no equals, bread being one of them. There's nothing like grabbing a fresh loaf of bread from the bin and it's still warm! The ham is serious too, jamón ibérico is cured for months and the pigs they slaughter are typically free-range, having gorged on acorns anywhere from 2 months to every breath of their piggy life. The olive oil is great, the Mediterranean climate produces the best in the world, and the wine flows like water from spigots, dirt cheap and fantastic. And yet I can't get a bottle of oj that's natural, sans artificial crap? I guess I'll have to hold out for some Tropicana from the carton from back home (and don't get me started on the dearth of smoothies, haha).

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