Sunday, August 21, 2016

La Tortilla

I used to hate tortillas. I really did. I used to hide them in napkins or ask for only half. I'd do my best to avoid them and then... I just accepted them. 

Growing up incredibly skinny it meant that my folks would try to fatten me every chance they got. At every meal. Heaping mounds of rice or at least two tortillas. I also didn't know my current tricks, that's to mix your rice/tortilla/bread with whatever else you're eating, this way it's more flavorful. What would happen is I'd end up rice/tortilla/bread and nothing to eat it with. 

As you can imagine I was always last at the dinner table. Hell, I'm still last at the dinner table. I'm also the one that'll probably finish your plate too, a holdover from having to finish every single plate.

Until around high school I had this attitude but little by little it changed. Coming to terms with who I am, being Salvadoran-American. I speak Spanish, I love pupusas, I'm short but got heart. And I have tortillas with my breakfast, un poco de frijoles molidos, cremita o queso duro. 

I remember mornings waking up to my dad making tortillas in the kitchen. Now... my dad hardly cooks. For some reason this one thing he could make relatively well. Many mornings I'd watch him while preparing my cup of coffee and sometimes he'd give me some advice about how to make them. Knowing that sometimes he'd make himself fresh tortillas made me think it's not that hard. Or maybe he just made it look easy. 

Recipe: Take some corn flour, Maseca is my mom's favorite back home, and add water until it's a paste. If it's too mushy add corn flour, if it's too dry add water. Put a frying pan on medium heat, add a bit of oil. Take some of your corn flour paste, just enough for a small handful, and roll a ball. Once you've rolled it you want to flatten it with the palms of your hands until it's the width of half a centimeter. Fry until it's done. 

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