Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Signs I'm becoming European

Evidence A: 

The other day I was near the Norma by Notre Dame when I thought "I could buy some duck pâté", went straight for that part of the super and, sure enough, struck pay dirt. 

Pâté is a new thing for me, but there are lots of firsts here. Take cheese, for instance. Back in the states Brie was a milestone. Camembert was a step in the right direction, queso cabrales assaulted my senses the first go-around and now Roquefort is an ordinary thing. 

Bread and cheese, bread and anything, really, meant that I was making a sandwich. Bread and cheese may mean a platter, slices of cheese, of salami, maybe some ham, eaten a mouthful at a time. 

Wine is a cheap option. That's right, you heard right, it's a cheap option. There are some days that I think, "what'll give me the most bang for my buck?", and wine is the best option. Something that might cost 1,50€, maybe 2€ at most here goes for at least $12 back home, is the same price as a 40 oz. I should mention that's supermarket prices, it doesn't apply to the chino. 

The final evidence: I made tapas for my guests that came to play board games. I cut goat cheese into slices, placed that on top of slices of bread and drizzled honey over both. It's a wrap. 

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