Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Thinking behind "Crazy Eyes"

I should've figured that the response to my blog post Crazy Eyes might not be so warm, after all, there's def a touch of scumbaggery to me. I even got a response from someone that was potentially interested in me on how that post completely turned them off and I can't blame them. I won't, however, censor myself. We all have beautiful, gorgeous elements to our personalities and, correspondingly, ugly, scumbag ones. Perhaps that's a bit eastern in thinking but I embrace it, what I wanted to write was an honest portrayal of what happened on the date, irregardless of how I look in it. If I only wrote about the stories where I look like a perfect gentleman, and I'd like to point out that at no point did I disrespect her, would that be true to character?

I also think that sometimes you meet someone and you think it can go somewhere, their combination of looks and personality mean that just being in their company would be great even if it means friend zone. Others have a great personality but aren't your cup of tea visually, so maybe you become friends. Lastly, some are lookers but there's something missing personality-wise, so it's only something physical you're interested in. I know I'm not the only guy that feels that way and I know plenty of women that think the same way, so am I so wrong for being honest about Crazy Eyes?

People like to throw around the term "nice guy" and yeah, I can be a nice guy. I can also be an asshole too. Most days there's a smattering of both and while I try to do the right thing most of the time, some days I get it wrong. I ain't a saint but I'll acknowledge my sins and that's all I aim to do with my writing, be sincere with myself.

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